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Tilbake til OctoPrint.
Testing av OctoPrint.
Manual installation
Setup a SD card
Download Raspbian Lite (currently Raspbian Buster Lite[1]) and put onto a SD card (or microSD card if that is what your Raspberry Pi requires).
Before putting the SD card into the Pi, do the following changes
- allow ssh by creating a filer named 'ssh' on the boot partition (cd to mountpoint of boot partition, then do
touch ssh
) - mount the
partition and change the hostname (default is raspberrypi) by editing the files etc/hostname and etc/hosts (only the line with the same name ('raspberrypi')on that partition. The name will show up on the network as hostname.local, so use hostname-print for example (shows up on the network as hostname-print.local). If you mount it on a machine running Linux, you can usesudo vi etc/hostname
, andsudo nano etc/hosts
to edit the files.