Metroplex 3D printer/bygging

Fra Bitraf
Revisjon per 21. jan. 2019 kl. 15:58 av Tingo (diskusjon | bidrag) (lagt til seksjon for bilder)
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Tilbake til Metroplex 3D printer.


2019-01-15 - 2019-01-18 
learning to use FreeCAD, I create (with help from others) design for a bottom plate (sits between the frame and the print bed), a top plate and a base plate (under the printer). Tingo (diskusjon) 21. jan. 2019 kl. 14:29 (CET)
Elias and I (with lots of help from other with more CNC experience) plane down a round aluminum plate that will be used as print bed for the Monster Kossel.
the Monster Kossel gets a name: Metroplex[1].
2019, first week of January 
Jon C. comes to Bitraf and builds the Monster Kossel. He has put some pictures of the build here[2].


Fresing (planering) av aluminium printbed.
