
Fra Bitraf
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If you've seen Bitraf's Facebook page and wondered why we're not posting, it's because we are using Slack as our communication platform. Platforms like Facebook will hide important content, but platforms like Slack will let you have your own community where you can send private messages and search for content posted earlier.

To join Bitraf's Slack, you'll have to invite yourself using this link. Check your email and follow the instructions to sign up

What is Slack and how does it work?

If you've never used Slack, Discord or other chat platforms - it's a place where you can chat in group or privately. When you sign up for Bitraf's Slack, you'll be invited to three "Channels":

  • General (For general questions. Asking here, will usually redirect you to the relevant channel.)
  • Info (Information from Bitraf to the members. Announcements about planned power cuts, water stops, events at Bitraf or in the neighbourhood)
  • Random (Smalltalk, fun/informative links and whatever)

When you sign up, you'll only see messages from these three, but there are about one hundred channels for topics such as #lasercutting #CNC #elektronikk #woodworking and more. Across all channels, there are between 3.000 and 10.000 messages per month. Most of these are private messages between members, so it won't fill your inbox.

How to use Slack?

The reason we like Slack is that you can change the settings to reduce the number of notifications easily. There are many good tutorials on using Slack, but most of them disregard that you can also use it straight in your browser. If you turn off all notifications and have it open in a tab in your browser, you can see the tiny icon change with a red dot if you are mentioned directly. This will let you respond whenever it suits you instead of getting interrupted on every message.